Products Overview

OSS Provisioning Tool

SunNET provides service from Facilities Management to Network Activation across different technology and platforms (DMS, GSM, NGN). Our suite offers the framework to automate provisioning processes in network assignment and activation. SGEN was designed with flexibility in mind to meet the future needs of service providers in the rapidly changing telecommunications industry.

SGen Suite

The SGen Suite consists of provisioning tools that interact with various networks (Fixed and Mobile). These products allow automatic as well as manual provisioning on the customer's line. By using SunNET tools your organization will improve installation time and reduce the learning curve for new users.

The Conciliator

The Conciliator eliminates the need for manual data gathering by providing automated device configuration, recognition and data gathering from across your network including information on device chassis, cards and ports. The Conciliator interfaces with your element or network management system and ensures that you have the most current device information from across your operation by providing continuous updates on the state of your equipment and the availability of your services. The Conciliator generates exception reports if it detects any discrepancies with your inventory. It then performs reconciliation between 'as designed' and 'as built' states and has the ability to automatically update inventory information or issue change notification for manual reconciliation.

Got Questions?

? If you have any questions or need more information about any of our products or services please feel free to contact us now.

SunNET Group Canada
6185 Boul. Taschereau, Porte #118
Bur. 105, Brossard, QC, J4Z 0E4

465 Meadow Road, Suite 7305
Princeton, New Jersey 08540
